A Romance with Books
by Lilliana Rose
romance with books is about to end…
Let me
homes is one of the most stressful things we can do in our lives. And once
again I've moved house (I'm hoping that I don't have to do this ever again but
of course I probably will). My books have survived three different moves in
recent years, some of them now have bent or torn covers (I'm internally crying).
I'm one of those book owners who wont even dog ear a page (who would do that?),
let alone mark the book with pen or highlighter (off with your head!).
into my new home, I've finally been able to start unpacking boxes upon boxes of
books that had been in storage for the last 18 months. It's like getting
reacquainted with long lost friends. I'm remembering the worlds that the
stories took me too, and revelling in emotions evoked from the journey the
books took me on.
What has
changed for me during this particular move is that I should have about another
5 or more boxes of books, but I haven't because I've been purchasing ebooks.
The main reason I've done this (which I'm reminded as I nearly break my back
moving another box of books) is because of the lack of space. My bookcase is
over flowing with wonderful words and information that I love to dwell in. But
I need room to live in my home as well!
are also other reasons. My books have collected a lot of dust over the years,
and I've got a packet of tissues nearby and have dosed up on anti-histamines
(unpacking books can be dangerous to your health). And with the thought of
moving again I'm tempted to give my books to the Salvos and let them have a new
owner. (I don't want to keep them in storage)
What is
wrong with me?!
I can't
believe that I would ever think this. I must be sick. Don't worry I haven't
departed with my book-friends, but some of them have been marked to go to new homes,
which I am saddened by, but times have changed. I already have a lot of 'stuff'
to take with my when I move and I just want to lessen the material wealth that
I've gathered over my lifetime. I love my books, but the reality is that I'll
never read most of them again, because there isn't enough hours left in my life
time, plus there are new books to get to know and to have an affair with.
At the
same time I'm torn. My heart is broken from this unexpected break up, which is
made worse when I look at my bookcase, and the memories flow from the stories
it holds, because there are also other memories evoked in me. Presents from sisters,
parents, friends. There are my books from childhood (I'm keeping these) and there
are books that have helped me when studying or show a journey of whatever theme
I was obsessed in researching at a particular time in my life. I'm not sure I
want to part with these friends. They are still gems to be held, and I like to
glance my eyes over their wonderful features, check out their spines, smell
their musky scent – something that I can't be done with ebooks.
this is where I find an unexpected advantage of having an ebook. While I can't
view them on a bookshelf as I wander past cleaning the floor, or looking for
one that I haven't read (so many of these!) by simply standing and staring at
the shelf because ebooks are tucked away. But what's become a necessity for me
is that ebooks only take up electronic space, at which I have so much more of
compared to the physical space. Plus they don't take up heaps of box space, or
near break my back when moving, or give me hay fever.
sales of ebooks slowing, and print sales holding their own in the market, I've
stepped across the line, gone past the point of no return, and electronic books
are my preferred option when buying a book.
I will
still have romances with books, it's just to a slightly different tune; the one
of cyber space.
have you done with your loved books? Have you kept them? Will you always keep
Fantastic article Lilliana. My bookshelves are overflowing too.
Now you can learn more about Lilliana's book. Love the cover
Change of Heart
by Lilliana Rose

here to buy at Rogue Phoenix Press
click here to buy at Amazon
click here to buy at Barnes and Noble
click here to buy at Amazon
click here to buy at Barnes and Noble
Vickie wants spice in her life, but her husband George is more interested in his work as a doctor. As a Victorian lady she is struggling to find her place in the world. An outbreak of a mysterious illness threatens the ordered world of Vickie and George. George becomes ill, and Vickie is left to care for him, keep him safe, as well as trying to work out the cause of the mysterious illness. Vickie must take charge in her world in order to survive.
Lilliana is a creative writer and poet. She enjoys pulling levers and turning cogs in steampunks worlds and dreams of travelling around the world in an airship wearing funky modern Victorian clothing. With over 40 poems published her poetry and stories are spreading wings, extending out to various magazines and journals around the world. ‘Change of Heart’ is her latest publication in the steampunk
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