Tuesday, June 11, 2013

SARA News - The Good Stuff just keeps on coming...

Hello, and welcome to the latest instalment 
of the very hip SARA News.

Forgive us, but here down south we have just had a long weekend.  Suddenly, it's Tuesday, and the news post is nowhere to be seen!

Fear not, it's here now.  The party never starts until the News arrives, anyway... ;)

We have a library trolley chockablock full of 
good news at SARA this week!

Big congrats to Ella Audrey, who recently took out place número uno in the Romance Writers of Australia's First Kiss Competition.   Quite the coup!

Congratulations also to Virginia Taylor, who has recently signed a contract with Random House Australia Digital.  We can't wait to see it, Virginia!

Maggie Mundy has a sparkly new cover for Blood Scent, a novella coming out next month with Rogue Phoenix Press.

Finally, Kyoko Church has a boat load of news;

Her short story, SWEET. SWEETER will appear in the Sweetmeats Press anthology, Made For Hire, which will be published at the end of this month.

Book Three of Kyoko's Draper Estates Trilogy with Xcite Books has been submitted, which is exciting news.  See book two here.

Kyoko's erotica reading event, Sex In Words, is all set for June 25th at 7pm at Dymocks in Rundle Mall. It is a free event so please come out and invite all your friends! However RSVPs are required for catering purposes. Please email adelaide.customers@dymocks.com.au to let them know you will attend. They plan to heat up a cold winter's night with some scorching stories. Have a glass of wine, sit back and enjoy! 

Sounds like a blast!

Until next time, happy reading, and wine drinking.



  1. Ooh, the Dymocks event sounds intriguing!!

  2. I hope you can join us, Carla! Bring friends, it's going to be a good time. :)

  3. So exciting to see my very first cover there.

  4. It's a great cover, Maggie! Congrats to everyone for the good news. Awesome week!


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